Owen Mundy
Link Shortener
A bit.ly-esque link shortener (but without ads!) built with Javascript
Bad Password API
A crummy password generator
Critical Web Design Index
An ongoing index of critical design on the web
Display Resolutions
Scalable mobile and screen resolution aspect ratio SVG template system
String Art Generator
Text strings reimagined
AI Candy Heart Generator
Create virtual gifts for your future robot oppressors
Chasing the Sun
Generative animation depicting extinct plants
Tally Saves the Internet
Transform data advertisers collect into a multiplayer game
Tally Tracker Explorer
Visualization of game data from Tally Saves the Internet
Explode the Web!
Blow up web pages that contain data trackers
The Speed of Thinking
A game about the bliss and abyss of automation
The Speed of Thinking (Studies)
Visualizations and tests for The Speed of Thinking
Reducing Uncertainty
Reducing the Margin of Error in the American Community Survey
Photo editing and selfie app from the heart of Australia
Network Remix
An interface to represent / discover relationships in text through network graph
Learn what Facebook already knows about you
I Know Where Your Cat Lives
Mapping public photos of cats using their metadata
Term vs. Term
Compare search results for phrases from the Digital Public Library of America
1.5 x 3.5
Single-channel generative animation over three projectors
A Network Has No Center
Custom software, projector, and ink jet prints on mylar
A web application to help people sell their Facebook data
Grid, Sequence Me
Exploded virtual architectures
Tag Graphs
Network visualizations of Stack Exchange tags
Tracking the Trackers
Visualization commission using data from Ghostery
I am Unable to Fulfill Your Wish
dystopian visualizations of anonymous network data
Perform multiple search engine queries from a list with one click
Packet Switching
Software that fragments and re-visualizes architecture
View and sort a list of hexidecimal colors as a palette
The Drone War Did Not Take Place
Tracking a drone box through San Diego with The Periscope Project
Software to generate custom printer test images
A Single Composite
Acetate film, aluminum, glass, motors, electronics, satellite photographs
Firing Blind
Network visualizations depicting global defense contractor information hierarchies
[Studies for] A Single Composite
acetate film, aluminum, motors, electronic components, satellite photographs
Listening Stations
A Prompt to Examine the Histories of the Internet of Things
The Consequence of Scale
custom software, projectors
You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore
aluminum, glass, motors, electronic components, LEDs, satellite photographs
Give Me My Data
Export your data back out of Facebook in reusable formats
Camp La Jolla Military Park
Archive, fictional national park
Anemophilous Formula for Computer Art
Pollen data visualized
Keyword Intervention
public intervention, custom software, projector
Sensor-prompted installation: database, webcam, LCD monitors, computer, and custom software