Big Bang Data at Somerset House in London, other exhibitions and interviews, and 5 million + cats!

I Know Where Your Cat Lives will be featured at the new exhibition, Big Bang Data, opening today at Somerset House in London. This is a traveling exhibition curated by Olga Subirós and José Luis de Vicente.


Emails, selfies, shopping transactions, Google searches, dating profiles: every day we’re producing data in huge quantities. Our online activity, alongside that of businesses and governments, has led to a massive explosion – a ‘Big Bang’ – of data.

This radical shift in the volume, variety and speed of data being produced, combined with new techniques for storage, access, and analysis, is what defines the proliferation of data. It is radically reshaping our world and is set to revolutionise everything we do.

Data today gives us new ways of doing things: from scientific research to business strategy, politics to social interaction, our new data-driven society that has the potential to be more fair, stable, and efficient and yet it also created a tools for unprecedented mass surveillance and commodification. Data access and usage rights, along with the value they comprise, are at the heart of many concerns.

Big Bang Data explores the issues surrounding the datafication of our world through the work of artists, designers, journalists and visionaries. As the data explosion accelerates, we ask if we really understand our relationship with data, and explore the meaning and implications of data for our future.


The exhibition, which runs Dec 3, 2015—Feb 28, 2016, includes over 50 works by artists, designers and innovators, comprising also a number of authors I’ve long admired like:
Brendan Dawes, Charles Joseph Minard, David McCandless, Ellie Harrison, Eric Fischer, Erica Scourti, Eva and Franco Mattes, Fight for the Future and Demand Progress, Florence Nightingale, Forensic Architecture, Future Cities Catapult, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Horst Ademeit, IF, Ingo Günther, Ingrid Burrington and Dan Williams, Interaction Research Studio, Goldsmiths, ITO World, Jaime Serra, James Bridle, John Snow, Jonathan Harris, Jonathan Minard, Julian Oliver, Julie Freeman, Kamel Makhloufi, Kiln, Laura Poitras, Lev Manovich and Moritz Stefaner, Lisa Jevbratt, Lise Autogena and Josh Portway, mySociety, Nesta, Nicholas Felton, Open Knowledge, OpenCorporates, Owen Mundy, Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico, Philipp Adrian, Rafael Lozano Hemmer, Ryoji Ikeda, Safecast, Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi, Tekja, TeleGeography, The Guardian, The Long Now Foundation, Thomson and Craighead, Timo Arnall, Umbrellium, William Elford, and Zach Blas

Some press is emerging already and I’ll add more images as the show opens:

Meanwhile time for a…

2015 Update on IKWYCL

Just over a year ago I launched I Know Where Your Cat Lives and it immediately went viral. I’m gracious for all the positive attention the project has received, and even more so for the reach it generated. In addition to a notable influence on research and dialogue around metadata security, the impact for individuals has been significant. Over 25% of owners of cat photos from the original sample have removed or increased privacy on their images and, even more noteworthy, nearly 60% of users have chosen to leave their photos public but have manually removed their location data from the images they shared, underlining the importance of this project to experts in the field, as well as everyone who uses social media.

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Since then I’ve found time to evaluate the project’s impact and begin to work on the conclusion. The site I shared was only a prototype, containing just one million images from the at least 15 million tagged with #cat on social media. Thanks to everyone at FSU’s Research Computing Center, and to support from Dr. Ostrander at the FSU Office of Research, I’ve made great progress in collecting and visualizing the millions of images that users have unknowingly uploaded with geolocation data. With this exhibition at Somerset House I’m uploading another large dataset to bring the total number of cats to just under 5.4 million!

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The final project will include expanding the data set to run in real time, as well as a mobile app called “Like Tinder for Cats,” and a book project which contextualizes and documents the research, the technology I developed, and most importantly, the impact of this ephemeral web-based work on industry, academia, and culture. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to work with my longtime colleague and amazing writer, Shana Berger, on the writing for the project, the first essay of which is currently under review.

Highlights from the last year

The IKWYCL prototype website has already received press in Motherboard/Vice Magazine, The New York Times, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, Wired Magazine, MSNBC, NPR, and many others. It has been featured in several international exhibitions including the Tempo Documentary Festival in Stockholm, Sweden, and numerous others like:


I Know Where Your Cat Lives was nominated for a 2014 IDFA DocLab Award for Best Digital Storytelling at the International Documentary Film Association (IDFA) Festival. While ultimately the amazing Serial podcast took the prize, I was thrilled to be nominated among many great interactive documentary works including Miranda July’s conceptual app Somebody. Read more about IDFA DocLab in this review on We Make Money Not Art.

I was also excited to take part in the festival, not only as a presenter, but a mystery guest on the evening of my talk. Previously I had shared a selection of my Google searches with a team of experts who led a quiz style analysis of my search history, complete with an artist who did a rendering of what my family looked like according to my searches, and a chef who prepared food for the audience based on what my data revealed.

That same month found me giving a presentation on my work during the L2 Forum at the Morgan Library in New York City.

lisa salon

While in NYC I also spoke at the LISA (Leaders in Software and Art) Salon at Postmasters Gallery

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In May 2015 it was featured among works by Trevor Paglen and Jason Salavon in the exhibition Art In The Age Of… Planetary Computation, at the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam curated by Adam Kleinman. This was followed by an exhibit on interactive storytelling and the future of digital media at the Polish National Audiovisual Institute (NInA) in Warsaw curated by Anna Desponds.

Finally, I was very honored to be interviewed this summer for two separate European journalism projects around the cultural impact of technology.

Silvia Font published an extensive discussion which included many of my previous works for El Diario. The interview, Las fotos de tu gato en internet ponen en jaque tu privacidad (in Spanish), was part of a series that included interviews with Laura Poitras and Jacob Appelbaum.


And, Charles-Henry Groult interviewed me for an ARTE web special about people shaping the culture and politics of the internet. The interview is in English but the interface elements are only in French and German

The dialog with these professionals was really gratifying. I’m so glad to have created something that is so thought-provoking, has proven impact, and yet is extremely fun to use. Thanks to everyone for the support :-)

Owen Mundy on Arte

“The Earth Observation Guide” – Post Media Lab notes

I’m back from Lüneberg, Germany and already missing the simplicity of traveling by train as well as the pleasure of fine wurst. However I had an engaging few days at the Post Media Lab’s Taking Care of Things!. The event began with a keynote by Kelly Dobson from RISD, followed by a tour of Stadtarchive the next morning. Then we broke off into groups to address various topics around archives, art, media, and politics.

I worked in the Measure Drones group with colleagues, Kristian Lukic, Moritz Queisner, Boaz Levin, Daniel Herleth, Adam Kaplan, Frédéric Eyl, and Oliver Lerone Schultz (one of the coordinators of Taking Care of Things along with Christina Kral). Together, over the course of two days, we worked together to conceive, research, write, illustrate, and design a booklet called “The Earth Observation Guide.” This is not a history of art about drones, nor does it try to tackle the whole subject. Rather it is more akin to a time capsule that preserves a moment in time before drones are widespread. It acts as a guidebook, recording what is known about their past and present, illustrating shifts and concerns, and addressing how humans might understand their future. Here are some images of the presented work on the third day:






I also somehow managed to get my mug in the newspaper in Lüneberg. I think it says “American professor launching spy drones in Germany” or some such thing.


The group examining 16th century drawings of salt mines from the archive.


To My Dearest and Beloved Family

I’m writing from the Coleman Center for the Arts in York, Alabama, where I’m currently an Artist in Residence. While here I intend to keep this site updated with news and progress from the projects I’m working on. Below is a “seal” that accompanies the project as well as a letter to the community which was published in various local sources. More soon…


Dear Residents and Friends of Sumter County, Alabama,

I’m writing to ask for your participation in an art project that will investigate our shared experience of service and its representation in photography. Have you or someone in your family served in uniform?

In order to honor the men and women who served our country and to represent the shared experience of sending our sons and daughters far away from home and safety, I would like to invite anyone who has served, or is related to someone who has worn a uniform, to bring a portrait of the service member in uniform to the Coleman Center for the Arts (CCA) in York.

Digital reproductions of the images will be displayed at the CCA, and participants will receive their own free, high quality, archival reproduction of their portrait. Original photos will not be displayed, and will be returned to their owners with the reproductions.

The original image can be any quality, printed or digital, but must be of the person in uniform (military, police, firefighter, etc..) If you like, you are invited to share the story of this person, which with your permission, will become part of an exhibition at the CCA. Stories may be hand written, typed, or directly shared in conversation with the artist.

To participate please bring your photo to the CCA by Monday January 28th at 5 PM. Original photos and reproductions will be available for pick up at the project reception on Thursday, January 31st at 6 pm, or afterward during normal CCA hours.

For more information, contact the CCA at 205-392-2005 or email


Owen Mundy
Artist in Residence
Coleman Center for the Arts

WORM residency / Tech Talk and Discussion on Social Media Hacking

I’m currently a moddr_/WORM Artist in Residence in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Here, I’m collaborating with Tim C. Schwartz (MFA, UCSD) and Walter Langlaar (Web2.0 Suicide Machine), Birgit Bachler, and others, working on some social media hacking-related projects similar to Give Me My Data.

During the residency we will be conducting multiple workshops, including an API Hacking Masterclass, to discuss the technical underpinnings and conceptual challenges in working with APIs in the service of media art. The two-week residency will conclude with a mini-seminar on social media hacking with guest commentators Florian Cramer, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam, and Dr. Geert Lovink, Professor of Interactive Media at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam(HvA). 

I’ll be posting some links to upcoming events starting with an Open Lab session:

Tech Talk and Discussion on Social Media Hacking
July 25, 2012

From 14th till 30th of July Tim C. Schwartz and Owen Mundy will be our guests as Artists In Residence. They’ll be working in WORM’s medialab with the moddr_crew on a new version of Owen earlier project “Give Me My Data”; a Facebook application that let’s you retrieve all your input and data from the network.

In today’s ‘Open Lab’ session Tim and Owen will share some insights on the project, and there’ll be room for informal discussion on technical aspect of the project, as well as the more socio-political implications of this type of work.

Location: WORM, Boomgaardsstraat 71, 3012 XA Rotterdam

My retina, photographed at Ars Electronica in Linz

Below is the image and text from the email response to an interactive exhibit at Ars Electronica in Linz where you can photograph your retina.


This retina photo was taken in the BrainLab of the Ars Electronica Center Linz, Austria.
We would like to welcome you at the Museum of the Future! More information at:

Best regards,
Your Ars Electronica Team

Notes on MIT Media Lab _res_ summer 2009

This summer I worked at the MIT Media Lab on my Automata project, an internet bot and online application that makes visible hidden relationships of power.

Some photos and notes from time at MIT Media Lab with Chris Csikszentmihályi.


New edition to Media Lab




Boston Contemporary


MIT Sailing, free for students.


Chris Csikszentmihályi


Me on the Mystic River


Chris’ robot kayak.
