A stop motion animation from my studio in Berlin 2011 where I disassemble and reuse old ink jet printers to construct new a series of kinetic artworks. Guest starring Joelle and four-month-old Sophia.
Tag: electronics
[Study for] A Single Composite [poly6]
A study for an upcoming installation in Berlin.
[Study for] A Single Composite [poly4]
A study for an upcoming installation in Berlin.
Fritzing for designing electronics
I just discovered Fritzing; an application for designing electronic projects and laying-out PCBs. The software is dependable, has a useful website with tutorials and project examples, and they are even starting a fabrication service in Dec 2010. Fritzing was started in August 2007 by the Interaction Design Lab at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany.
When you launch the software you begin with a breadboard. Then you drag components from a large list on the right, choosing options for the parts. Adjusting rotation, color, and placement is all fairly intuitive. While I found working with “2.5D” perspective is a little awkward at first, you get used to it. For output, you can select between Breadboard, Schematic, and PCB views on the bottom right.
Here’s a design to accompany a previous sketch, Fading an LED with PWM and a Potentiometer
Recent and ongoing projects
Howdy, it’s been awhile since I last shared news about recent and ongoing projects. Here goes.
1. You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore
You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore is an installation that projects moving US Geological Survey (USGS) satellite images using handmade kinetic projection devices.
Each device hangs from the ceiling and uses electronic components to rotate strips of satellite images on transparency in front of an LED light source. They are constructed with found materials like camera lenses and consumer by-products and mimic remote sensing devices, bomb sights, and cameras in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
The installation includes altered images from various forms of lens-based analysis on a micro and macro scale; land masses, ice sheets, and images of retinas, printed on reflective silver film.
On display now until July 31 at AC Institute 547 W. 27th St, 5th Floor
Hours: Wed., Fri. & Sat.: 1-6pm, Thurs.: 1-8pm
New video by Asa Gauen and images
2. Images and video documentation of You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore will also be included in an upcoming Routledge publication and website:
Reframing Photography: Theory and Practice
by Rebekah Modrak, Bill Anthes
ISBN: 978-0-415-77920-3
Publish Date: November 16th 2010
3. Give Me My Data launch
Give Me My Data is a Facebook application designed to give users the ability to export their data out of Facebook for any purpose they see fit. This could include making artwork, archiving and deleting your account, or circumventing the interface Facebook provides. Data can be exported in CSV, XML, and other common formats. Give Me My Data is currently in public-beta.
Facebook application
4. Give Me My Data was also covered recently by the New York Times, BBC, TechCrunch, and others:
Facebook App Brings Back Data by Riva Richmond, New York Times, May 1, 2010
5. yourarthere.net launch
A major server and website upgrade to the yourarthere.net web-hosting co-op for artists and creatives. The new site allows members of the community to create profiles and post images, tags, biography, and events. In addition to the community aspect, yourarthere.net is still the best deal going for hosting your artist website.
More images
6. The Americans
The Americans is currently on view at the Northwest Florida State College in Niceville, FL. It features a new work with the same title.
More images
7. Your Art Here billboard hanger
I recently designed a new billboard hanging device and installed it in downtown Bloomington, IN with the help of my brother Reed, and wife Joelle Dietrick.
Stay tuned here for news about Your Art Here and the new billboard by Joelle Dietrick.
8. Finally, moving to Berlin for a year on a DAAD fellowship to work on some ongoing projects, including Automata.
More images
I’ll be giving a paper about Automata at the upcoming ISEA2010 conference in Ruhr, Germany.
Many thanks to Chris Csikszentmihályi, Director of the Center for Future Civic Media http://civic.mit.edu/ , for inviting me to the MIT Media Lab last August to discuss the project with his Computing Culture Group: http://compcult.wordpress.com/
You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore (new video by Asa Gauen)
I am very much enjoying the video my friend, Asa Gauen, is working on for You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore, which is installed at AC Institute in New York until July 31.
New video for Lucent
Katherine Sweetman, has just posted a great video documenting the Lucent project we did at the University of California, San Diego.
You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore @ AC Direct
You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore opens tonight at AC Institute in Chelsea.
July 1 – July 31, 2010
Opening: Thursday, July 1, 2010 6-8pm
AC Institute [Direct Chapel]
547 W. 27th St, 5th Floor
New York, NY
Gallery Hours: Wed., Fri. & Sat.: 1-6pm, Thurs.: 1-8pm
Schematic for You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore
“Open sourcing” the schematic for the electronic components for You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore.
RBBB boards (Arduino clone)
custom-designed circuits
– female headers
– TIP31 transistor
– 6-wire Unipolar Stepper motor (48 step Nippon Electric Pulse Motor)
– ULN2803A Darlington Array
– hook-up wire
– various resistors
– LEDs
used camera lenses
aluminum “flat bar”
hose clamps
rubber wine corks
various mounting hardware
More production photos
More photos from You Never Close Your Eyes Anymore production.
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